Bright Mason Jar Flower Arrangement
Mason jars originally invented way back in 1858 are a moulded glass jar. They served many purposes but were mostly used for preserving homemade food and were repurposed for many varying uses such as storing dry food, odds and ends like buttons & pins as well as a fantastic kitchen receptacle for utensils to live. In more recent times they have become an extremely popular way to display your flowers, with many opting for a mason jar over the usual plain glass vase usually utilized. Smaller base size means your arrangement can really be the hero of your chosen display location and means less space is taken up by the usual larger more sizable vases commonly used.
Our Bright Mason Jar Flower Arrangement is the thoughtful gift that lasts a lifetime.
These Mason Jar vases are available through our online store as well as through our gorgeous North Croydon store at 9 Exeter Road Croydon North.
Petite posies of mixed seasonal blooms perfect gift self contained in a vase to keep finished with a polka dot ribbon.
Great for hospital, nursing homes or when space is at a premium.