Bright Mixed Bouquet

Bright Mixed Bouquet
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Product Details

A premium mix of seasonal flowers beautifully presented in a bountiful Bright Mixed bouquet presented in gift wrapping or in a vase. Our Bright Mixed bouquet is available in a large variety of wrapping and vase options and a mixed bouquet can be the perfect answer to almost any question.

Helpful Tip – A great way to keep your flowers fresher for longer is to be sure to remove any waste or wilted material from the arrangement, water them daily as well as keep them out of direct sunlight.

Over 30 years of experience within the flower industry has given us the expertise necessary to be able to guide you through your purchase and make recommendations to make sure your selection says everything you want it to.

Please feel free to browse our selection of mixed bouquets.

Local delivery available Monday to Saturday some of the suburbs we cover Croydon, Croydon North, Croydon Hills, Wonga Park, Chirnside Park, Mooroolbark, Lilydale, Ringwood, Bayswater, Boronia for more suburbs check our delivery page.